Industry / Manufacturing / Logistics
Unix - eng
As a result of its activity, for Hungary’s market-leading automotive spare parts dealer it is of vital importance to connect its sites via the Internet within the framework of a service guaranteeing a high level of security and providing high availability and high bandwidth. After “Details”, it will be revealed how we could solve this task.
Our Applied Solutions
UNIX Autó Kft. is Hungary’s market-leading automotive spare parts dealer. The company with nearly 3,000 employees has established relations with more than 400 suppliers; its stock of about 10 million items is available at its branches, distributors and service points. In addition to Hungary, the company is present in Romania and Slovakia. In these three countries, it has 149 branches in total.
As a result of its activity, for UNIX it is of vital importance to connect its sites via the Internet within the framework of a service guaranteeing a high level of security and providing high availability and high bandwidth.
Invitech’s Leased Line Internet service proved to be a highly stable and reliable choice with outstanding value for money for the market-leading automotive spare parts dealer. Besides, thanks to the related back-up service the risk of downtime is extremely low, as Invitech also provides for this within the framework of the cooperation.
MOL - eng
As the provider of comprehensive IT services to the members of MOL Group, MOL Magyarország Informatikai Szolgáltató Kft. has been relying on our expertise for a long time. Among other requests, it sought our assistance with support and operation on local and service station network level.
Our Applied Solutions
Among the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe
MOL Magyarország is an integrated oil, gas and petrochemical company group that is present in four countries and headquartered in Budapest. It is engaged in upstream and downstream activities; its larger refinery and petrochemical units are located in Százhalombatta, Tiszaújváros and Zalaegerszeg. The company is also active in Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. As a flagship organisation, MOL Magyarország is a member of the international MOL Group, which has a large-scale, concentrated international research and production portfolio and is one of the biggest companies in Central and Eastern Europe. MOL Magyarország Informatikai Szolgáltató Kft. (MIS Kft.) was founded in 2015 with the aim to provide comprehensive IT service to the members of MOL Group. The company – with a turnover of more than three billion Hungarian forints in 2018 – has one site and six branches and employs over 200 employees.
Customer-oriented approach
MOL Magyarország Informatikai Szolgáltató Kft. has been working together with Invitech in various areas of information and communications technology for a long time. The two companies have a permanent contractual relationship for the provision of services. MOL requested Invitech’s assistance again in connection with support and operation on local and service station network level. The assignment covers the long-term support of the company’s mobile, desktop, notebook and network environment. Invitech was chosen for its experienced professionals, the optimal price, the professional approach it had taken before and its customer orientation. The transition was completed within a short time and the quality of operation is still excellent as usual.
Lufthansa -eng
Lufthansa Systems Hungária: servicing more than 300 airlines from Hungary
Lufthansa Systems is one of the leading IT service providers in aviation worldwide. The company with nearly 450 employees in Hungary and a turnover exceeding six billion Hungarian forints had been seeking a modern and fully reliable data centre for the servers operated by it and its network infrastructure. As the nature of the task implies: they could not assign the work to just anyone.
Our Applied Solutions
Aim: getting to know the customer needs
Lufthansa Systems is one of the leading IT service providers in aviation worldwide. As a systems integrator, its activity includes the support of every business process in aviation: planning services, the management of passenger and cargo data, support of financial systems, provision of the IT background of aircraft operations, and support of repair and maintenance works of operative aircraft. In this industry, in the area of IT solution development and refinement one of the most important aspects is that these facilitate the understanding of passenger and customer needs and behaviour as much as possible, and finally intelligent IT solutions should enable airlines to manage the obtained information.
A modern and fully reliable data centre
The company with nearly 450 employees in Hungary and a turnover exceeding six billion Hungarian forints provides services to more than 300 airlines from its domestic site. The company had been seeking a modern and fully reliable data centre for the servers operated by it and its network infrastructure. The company chose Invitech as it complies with this criterion and also for the great location and value for money; Invitech had provided server hosting to Lufthansa Systems Hungária before. In the framework of the latest assignment, they use the dark-fibre connection from Invitech.
Colas - eng
Colas Group is a world leader in the construction of road, railway, waterway and air transport infrastructure, as well as in urban development and environmental investments. The company looked for an IT partner providing complex services with national coverage to ensure the telecommunication background necessary for its activity.
Our Applied Solutions
Colas is a world leader in the construction of road, railway, waterway and air transport infrastructure, as well as in urban development and environmental investments. Its Hungarian company group has been involved in national construction investments since 1991. In the past decades, Colas has built expressways of over 100 kilometres in Hungary; besides motorway and road construction tasks, the construction of unique engineering facilities and the completion of sensitive urban regeneration and public works requiring thorough organisation has put Colas at the forefront of the industry.
For the company, it was important to find an IT partner providing complex services with national coverage to ensure the telecommunication background necessary for its activity. The initial goal was the establishment of various IT systems in a way that simplifies communication with the service provider and at the same time ensures flexible, fast and problem-oriented customer service. Invitech was chosen due to the special needs and their fulfilment as a package; compared to its greatest competitor, Invitech submitted a more favourable offer both in terms of value for money and flexibility.
Momert - eng
Momert: Weighing the IT services
The continuous development and expansion of our electronic correspondence led Momert to search for an external partner to perform IT tasks that previously had been organised in-house. But exactly which services were chosen? Check the services after “Details”.
Our Applied Solutions
For Momert Zrt., the standard and reliability of the service as well as the good value for money were the decisive factors.
Momert Zrt. – with its turnover of nearly three billion Hungarian forints and 250 employees – currently produces and transports 113 products to various parts of the world. Initially, Invitech had only provided telephone service to the company, but thanks to the successful cooperation, Momert chose Invitech as its IT partner again and supplemented their contract with other services.
Momert Zrt. is a company with Hungarian management and was founded over 50 years ago; its main profile includes the manufacturing and distribution of scales of various types and other household appliances as well as baby and health-care products. The company attributes its success to the successful adaptation to market needs, its high-quality products and customer-oriented company policy. The company deems the selection of reliable partners for each sub-task as highly important. The successful cooperation between Momert and Invitech has also been extended in this spirit in the past years.
The Dunaújváros-based company considers reliability, consistent performance and professional recognition as paramount qualities; therefore, Invitech seemed to be the optimal choice to perform Momert’s IT tasks.
“In the past years, the expanding offer of services has resulted in continuous increase in IT tasks and the related costs, and with its high-standard services, Invitech provided the professional expert background necessary for company growth. If we had accepted the offers submitted by the competitors, in our view the continuity and the reliable service and financial relation could not have been ensured,” explained László Imre Urbán, the CEO of Momert Zrt., summarising why the balance was tipped in favour of Invitech providing state-of-the-art IT solutions. Primarily, the standard and reliability of the service as well as the good value for money were the decisive factors.
The continuous development and expansion of the electronic correspondence as well as the increasing importance of the role of the Internet led the company to search for an external partner to perform the IT tasks that previously had been organised in-house.
Rosenberger - eng
The Rosenberger automotive component manufacturer with a renowned clientele had been searching for a solution for the redundant construction of its complete communication network with domestic and foreign endpoints, all this within a relatively tight, only four-week deadline for construction. It was an exciting task requiring substantial expertise.
Our Applied Solutions
The name Rosenberger has been associated with the most advanced technology, quality and creativity for over half a century. The company is a world leader in the production of connector solutions in high-frequency and fibre-optic technology. Its clientele includes renowned companies in the field of mobile and telecommunications, information technology, medical electronics, industrial measurement technology, automotive electronics and electric car manufacturing.
Rosenberger had had a long-term relationship with Invitech: the company manufacturing electrotechnical equipment had used the solutions provided by the IT and telecommunications company before in relation to the LTO back-up data storage, and it had also ordered voice and Internet services from Invitech to its sites. It chose Invitech for the redundant construction of its complete communications network with domestic and foreign endpoints and it also uses Invitech’s broadband Carrier Ethernet service. The service provider was flexible in agreeing to finish the project within only a four-week deadline. Thanks to this investment, Rosenberger’s IT-related costs have decreased by 25%.
KUKA - eng
The control cabinets of almost all KUKA robots in the world are manufactured by the Hungarian subsidiary. For continuous operation, an uninterrupted online connection between the sites and the German centre is essential. More information on KUKA robots and the task is available after “Details”.
Our Applied Solutions
Why does a global company engaged in robotic technology have no servers of its own?
At the forefront of high-tech industry, it is increasingly common that the market players have their IT infrastructure supporting their main activity operated by an external expert. This circle includes KUKA Robotics, the manufacturer of industrial robots. The control cabinets of almost all KUKA robots in the world are manufactured at the two sites – in Taksony and Füzesgyarmat – of the Hungarian company with nearly 1,050 employees. Thus, for continuous operation, an uninterrupted online connection between the sites and the German centre is essential. For all this, Invitech provides a reliable background.
The main profile of the company group includes the manufacturing, selling and servicing of industrial robots; the service package of the company also contains continuous hotline availability. We can also meet their robotic arms in the entertainment industry, for example in amusement parks. In Hungary, KUKA robots are employed in almost all fields of automation; their largest partners are automobile manufacturers where robots weld, polish or paint on the production lines.
“The primary reason why we have decided to outsource our information and communications resources is that the server subscription for a five-year term is cheaper by 40-50% than purchasing the server park – necessary for servicing the production – as our own investment,” explained László Juhász, Head of IT Department at KUKA Robotics Hungária Ipari Kft. “Thanks to the flexible subscription construction, we can lease as much capacity in Invitech’s data centre as we currently need. There is no unused and superfluous performance purchased in advance, therefore we can adjust the costs to the income.”
40-minute downtime is allowed per year
The servers of KUKA Robotics work 8,000 working hours annually. The company has uninterruptible power supplies and generators that provide for electricity supply even in the case of a long power outage; however, the so-called “five-nines” – i.e. 99.999% availability that allows only 40-minute downtime per year – could only have been achieved using its own resources at exorbitant cost. For all this, Invitech provides a guarantee under contract and ensures the continuous data security that is essential for KUKA Robotics to develop pioneering high-tech solutions.
Bonafarm Group - eng
For Bonafarm, uninterrupted connectivity between its 30 sites nationwide is a prerequisite for production. The establishment of a stable network of connections necessary to coordinate and optimise the production and logistics processes was a perfect task for us.
Our Applied Solutions
Invitech also contributes to the continuous development of Bonafarm.
Besides food industry expertise, ICT technology is necessary to ensure that customers receive the familiar, excellent quality on a daily basis. Invitech’s services and technologies provide efficient and stable support for the dynamic growth of the largest food industry company group in Hungary.
“Our company group unites significant brands that are key players of the Hungarian food industry (Pick, Herz, Délhús, Ringa, Sole, Mizo, Chateau Teleki). In addition to preserving the centuries-old traditions, we consider continuous development just as important – not only for business reasons but for the fulfilment of customer needs on an increasingly higher level. The familiar tastes of home – hallmarked by our milk and meat products and wines – are known to every family, so these products regularly appear on their shopping lists,” said Jenő Bodnár, Head of IT Services at Bonafarm Group.
Reliability, flexibility and security
Bonafarm has over 30 sites in various parts of the country; their connectivity is necessary for both the coordination and the optimisation of production and logistics processes. “Invitech’s technological services provide us with efficient and stable solutions, supporting the background which enables us to definitely guarantee the familiar tastes,” added the Head of IT Services. “We decided in favour of Invitech due to the high-quality service, the convincing references and the affordable price. The coordination of our sites is crucial for us as we must ensure the continuous connection between our companies engaged in agricultural economics and our food-processing companies; their activities are interrelated. We need a virtual private network providing us with a secure and flexible solution; that is why we chose Invitech’s Internet-based virtual private network solution. Our fixed-line telecommunication needs are satisfied with Invitech’s voice service,” Bodnár said.
Smooth operation
For Bonafarm, reliable and stable information and communications support is highly important, enabling it to focus on its own area of expertise, i.e. the food industry. This is why it partnered with Invitech, which keeps contact with the company group through its dedicated account manager, thereby ensuring the smooth operation of IT services.