Business phone tariff plans
Domestic or international call directions? IP or traditional phone? Whichever you use we will be glad to provide your company with our services without peak rates, with favourable per-minute plans and extra discounts as needed.
The pros of business phone tariff plans
Discover the details
Fully customisable to the needs of your company, valid in both domestic and international call directions, with favourable per-minute charges regardless of the time of day; extra discounts may be applied for in the case of international call directions important to your company.
Our fixed monthly plan providing unlimited calls is available in several versions, representing an ideal solution for planning telecommunication costs and controlling phone bills.
- International unlimited plan: in every domestic fixed and mobile direction
- Unlimited EU plan
- Unlimited international plan
The modern functions of our IP-based voice service offer several advantages compared to the traditional solutions regarding comfort and business aspects.
Business benefits:
Business benefits:
- May be used without investment
- Customisable
- Flexible PBX functions
- Wide range of devices
- Previously used extension numbers will be retained
Invitech provides a full range of voice services over ISDN or analogue connection with options to connect to ISDN2 and ISDN30.
Business benefits:
Business benefits:
- Several comfort functions: voice mail, call forwarding, queuing and caller ID.
- With porting you may keep your existing phone number when switching to our service.